Strawberry "C-141" F1
Strawberry "C-141" F1.
This hybrid variety will pleasantly surprise and delight you with an abundance of large, sweet berries!
Plants immediately after planting begin to produce crops, regardless of day length and time of year, which makes it possible to obtain berries all year round in protected soil. In open ground, harvesting begins 4-4.5 months after sowing (June) and continues until frost. It bears fruit both on the main bushes and on the runners, which do not have an infancy period.
Dense, juicy and very sweet berries with a strong, incomparable nutmeg aroma, 30 g each!
This hybrid of garden strawberries is distinguished by its high winter hardiness, drought resistance, and is also less susceptible to fungal diseases.
Long flower stalks give the plant a special decorative effect.
The plant is 25-30 cm high, producing a large number of inflorescences and tendrils. It bears fruit continuously, regardless of daylight hours.
Berry picking begins 4-4.5 months after sowing (June) and continues until frost. The harvest is formed not only on adult plants, but also on rosettes.
Sowing strawberries should be done in February-March. The seeds are mixed with sand and evenly distributed over a moistened, flat surface. Shoots appear within 30 days. In the phase of 1-2 true leaves, seedlings dive into pots. After the appearance of 6 true leaves, it can be planted in the ground with a distance between rows of 25-30 cm, between plants 15-20 cm. Fruits from June to October.
Sowing seeds: February.
Planting seedlings: May.
Harvest: June - September.
Planting pattern: 15-20 cm.
Plant height: 10-15 cm.

Remontant strawberry F1 "C-141" for hanging baskets.
This hybrid variety will pleasantly surprise and delight you with an abundance of large, sweet berries!
Plants immediately after planting begin to produce crops, regardless of day length and time of year, which makes it possible to obtain berries all year round in protected soil. In open ground, harvesting begins 4-4.5 months after sowing (June) and continues until frost. It bears fruit both on the main bushes and on the runners, which do not have an infancy period.
Dense, juicy and very sweet berries with a strong, incomparable nutmeg aroma, 30 g each!
This hybrid of garden strawberries is distinguished by its high winter hardiness, drought resistance, and is also less susceptible to fungal diseases.
Long flower stalks give the plant a special decorative effect.
The plant is 25-30 cm high, producing a large number of inflorescences and tendrils. It bears fruit continuously, regardless of daylight hours.
Berry picking begins 4-4.5 months after sowing (June) and continues until frost. The harvest is formed not only on adult plants, but also on rosettes.
Sowing strawberries should be done in February-March. The seeds are mixed with sand and evenly distributed over a moistened, flat surface. Shoots appear within 30 days. In the phase of 1-2 true leaves, seedlings dive into pots. After the appearance of 6 true leaves, it can be planted in the ground with a distance between rows of 25-30 cm, between plants 15-20 cm. Fruits from June to October.
Sowing seeds: February.
Planting seedlings: May.
Harvest: June - September.
Planting pattern: 15-20 cm.
Plant height: 10-15 cm.

Remontant strawberry F1 "C-141" for hanging baskets.